Starry Night

A preview of the experience.

Start to walk in the virtual gallery to see Starry Night, one of the most known paintings of Van Gogh. While you are walking to see the painting from a close distance the explanation about Van Gogh, his painting style is played as a voice over in the space. Finally, you can see the three-dimensional representation of the Starry Night in a 360 degree view. Our purpose is to show the user the possible representation of this artwork in a three dimensional setting and help them to understand the space.

By this experience we expect users find themselves present in a art gallery setting and express their engagement in the physical space that they are in. Observation of moments of excitement, attention and engagement can provide us with some clues for understanding the level of immersion that they feel. Also we expect them to be able to reflect their perception of the information they received and discuss about what they learned in this experience. Since we incorporated some unique visual techniques and voiceover in the experience, we expect to have a high level of satisfaction as a result of user engagement.

Yang(Zed) Yuan 院阳
Yang(Zed) Yuan 院阳
Act so as to treat humanity, whether in your own person or in that of another, at all times also as an end, and not only as a means. (Kant, Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals)

My research interests include Human-Centered Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Health, Game Design and their lovely intersections.