MIMIC-iii Dashboard

A preview of the data explorer.

The project aims to design and develop a dashboard of the MIMIC-iii dataset for doctors. With the guidance of my supervisors from Dell Medical School, I developed a dashboard application using Cube.js and designed visualization of the MIMIC-iii demo dataset. The application consists of a playground where doctors can try out different graphs with easy drag-and-drop operations, a demo data visualization of various graphs focusing on Sepsis, and a user account system providing customized dashboard for each account. In conclusion, this is a medical data dashboard application of the doctors, by the doctors, and for the doctors.

Yang(Zed) Yuan 院阳
Yang(Zed) Yuan 院阳
Act so as to treat humanity, whether in your own person or in that of another, at all times also as an end, and not only as a means. (Kant, Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals)

My research interests include Human-Centered Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Health, Game Design and their lovely intersections.